
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Dear family and friends,

I hope you are doing well and surviving this uniquely challenging year! I want to take a moment to introduce myself to you and give you an update on what I am up to. My name is Katie Abbott, I am 25 years old and reside in Moreno Valley, California. I am currently in my sophomore year at Grand Canyon University pursuing a degree in applied entrepreneurship. My dream one is to apply the knowledge I am acquiring in school to start my own business. I love the creativity of designing and making excellent handcrafted soaps and candles (please visit my Etsy shop to make a purchase – Christmas is coming!). I had a plan for the next several years of my life and pausing those plans to go on a mission trip was not part of it! However, when I felt the Lord calling me, I had to answer. I knew this was a part of His plan and everything here (school, work, etc.) would be waiting for me when I come back. The Lord has laid this path out in front of me and I must walk it with Him and trust that His faithfulness will carry me through. Although I am still wrapping my head around this idea- I am so excited to see how God will use and bless me on this adventure!

This exciting new adventure I will be embarking on will begin in August of 2021 is a 11-month mission trip to 11 different countries called the World Race. It will stretch me in ways I cannot even imagine! It’s scary but, I will be a part of a squad whose sole purpose is to grow in the Lord and fulfill the Great Commission. I am also excited to be a part of this team and look forward to how the Lord will use us in all of these countries.

While making this decision to leave my friends, family, school, and work there were two verses that came to mind. First, was Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” This verse gave me the peace I needed that this trip was a part of Gods plan for my life. Second, was my very favorite verse, Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This verse has always spoken to my soul but, especially now when there is so much that could hinder me from accomplishing this goal. These two verses have given me the strength and boldness to move forward.

Of the 11 countries I get to visit, the 5 primary countries I will be in are Spain, Romania, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, and Thailand. In Spain I will get to walk El Camino de Santiago, or the Way of St. James Pilgrims and focus on evangelism and spiritual formation. This is a 500-mile pilgrimage that is meant to stretch our endurance and foster discipleship. I will then travel to Craiova, Romania where I will partner with HOPE Church Romania. We will focus on student & children’s ministry, church planting, and community outreach. Next – the wondrous country of Kyrgyzstan! Known for being a part of the Great Silk Road and being the birthplace of Islam in Central Asia, this country is desperate for the love of the Jesus Christ. We will be pouring into local student ministries and pursuing unreached people groups. Then, onto Nepal and South Asia. We will be helping the local communities and churches in various ways, including student and children ministries, special needs ministries, and church planting. We will help local pastors and church families develop their churches and reach their local communities. Lastly, in beautiful Thailand, a country that is fraught with human trafficking and unreached people, we will primarily be church planting and assisting existing churches to reach the locals and make an impact in the community.

I appreciate you taking the time to read about this exciting, yet daunting, adventure! A trip like this takes significant spiritual, physical, and financial preparation. Spiritually, I ask that you pray for me and my fellow squad mates as we prepare and walk through this journey. We need your prayers as we prepare to launch and throughout the entire 11 months and beyond. We will see and experience things, that we need to be emotionally and spiritually ready Your prayers are essential! Physically, I am working diligently to prepare for the El Camino de Santiago trek. The physical demands are significant during the entire 11 months, but specifically that first leg. The potential of sickness and exhaustion is something I am mentally and physically preparing for- I need your prayers for that too! Financially, this trip is costly and I need your financial support to get me there. Each squad member needs to raise $18,700 for the various expenses of the entire trip. This includes training, flights, housing, and most food. The price tag is significant, but I believe the spiritual impact of the trip is well worth it. I need the body of Christ to help me to reach that goal!

In 10.5 months, I will leave for training camp before launching on this trip. By then, I need to be fully funded. I would so appreciate your consideration of a monthly or one-time financial contribution that will aid in seeing how the Lord will use me. I have enclosed a fundraising card with details about how/where to send financial contributions.

You can go to to donate online.

Adventures In Missions is a tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3) and is a member of the ECFA. (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability). Due to IRS and ECFA regulations governing the administration of tax-deductible donations given in support of a particular trip/program, support contributions given on behalf of an individual will be used to offset the costs of the trip/program I am involved in. All contributions are non-refundable and non-transferable regardless of the participant’s success in completing the program.

If you have any questions about this trip or how you can support me, I would be happy to talk with you and share my heart behind this adventure! Please feel free to call/text me or shoot me an email. Again, thank you so much for considering my request – both prayer or monetary contributions are essential to the trip and deeply appreciated. I look forward to doing God’s work in these beautiful countries. I will be sure to update my blog as I progress towards launch and eventually go on this exciting adventure with Jesus!


I look forward to partnering with you!

Obediently His,

Katie Abbott

(714) 604-7349

[email protected]


You can purchase artisan soaps and candles here:

(All proceeds will go towards funding this trip)

You can also purchase my personally designed fundraiser t-shirt here: