
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Throughout this process I have been continually evaluating my “why.” Why I want to go on the World Race and most specifically this route. What called me to this route over the others and why now?

Some of you may know that since May 2020, I have been pursuing my degree and if everything had gone as planned I would be graduating in April 2022. Now, one question I have had is, why would God call be back to school to put it aside again? 


Originally, my why was about breaking out of my comfort zone and following where the Lord was leading but, now I realize it is even deeper than that. It is about obedience and truly listening to what the Lord is telling me. Being obedient to where the Lord is calling me and not knowing why is one area I have always struggled with. I want to know why! I want to know why I am going to uproot my life and put everything at home on hold but then I realized something… I’m not putting my life on hold. I only postponing things. My life will be continuing and only being made better. 

What I realized as I was thinking about my why and what I was telling people was that my why is changing and deepening as I try to prepare for the journey the Lord is leading me on. I know I will see things that will shock me in both positive ways and negative. I am simply being obedient and following God’s voice through it all. I know that there is a why and I may not find out what that is for awhile and that is ok. I know the Lord is going to change me on this trip. I know that Lord has me in his hands and that he called me to this trip for a reason. 

The verse that keeps popping up is James 1:22 – But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

I know God is calling be to be a doer through this trip and route. I just have to be ok with the fact that I can’t know the ultimate why and what I may go through on this trip and that is ok! But, now when people ask my “why” I will say I don’t know but, I do know that I am being obedient and I can’t wait to see what the Lord reveals to me through this life-changing trip with these amazing people! 


I am currently 60% funded!! I am so grateful to everyone who has made this possible and I am so excited to continue on this support raising journey! I only have $7500 left to raise and it would mean so much to me if you would consider partnering with me through finances or prayer! Again, thank you so much for all of your support!